Living Out Loud

An Appreciation Challenge - Spread the Love

A smiling blogger

One of my favorite pastimes when I have a few spare moments is to dive into the world of blogs and drop a quick note to one or two of the many writers I come across in my online adventures. I hunt for an email address, a guestbook, or a social media link (Mastodon, I’m looking at you!) and let a fellow Internet stranger know that they have an appreciative reader. I keep my messages short and sweet—just a few sentences to share how much I related to their post or how much I enjoyed their way with words. Almost every time I reach out, I receive a heartfelt reply, often overflowing with gratitude for my little gesture of appreciation. It’s a delightful reminder that everyone loves a little acknowledgment, myself included! Nothing lifts my spirits quite like a sprinkle of unexpected praise.

A few days ago, I decided to feature a fantastic writer on my links blog. They have an extraordinary talent for making his words relatable, even though we come from different corners of the country, are different ages, and have different professions—oh, the differences! I wasn’t sure if I’d hear back from them since they're quite well-known. To my delight, theybresponded with multiple thank-yous, expressing how being highlighted on my modestly-read links blog made theirvday, week, and left them almost speechless. Why wouldn’t I want to do that more often if I have the power? It only takes me about ten or fifteen minutes to write a little blurb, find a picture, and assemble a few links. If I can do that once or twice a week to promote someone’s hard work and talent, what’s stopping me?

Everyone has their own philosophy when it comes to social media, but I firmly believe in following people back. It’s easy to curate a list of my closest online friends so they don’t get lost in a sea of other posts. By connecting with those who are genuinely interested in what I share, I’ve discovered some truly amazing writers and personalities. If I make a new connection and find they post 200 times a day, it’s a simple matter to mute that stream. Not hard at all! Let’s connect.

Now, I’d like to challenge anyone reading this to reach out to at least one new person each day, whether it’s a blogger, a social media contact, or even a journalist whose work you admire. I’m not shy about writing fan letters to the editors of places like Lifehacker or The Verge to let them know I appreciate their staff’s efforts. I don’t typically do this for those who already receive plenty of praise, although I’ll admit to having written to John Siracusa. My favorite tech writer, however, is Justin Pot, who became a reader of one of my blogs after I sent him kudos for his fantastic work. He even occasionally mentions AppAddict in his articles when I introduce him to a cool app!

I also want to encourage everyone to make it easy for others to contact you—unless you’ve had some unfortunate experiences in the past. Consider getting a guestbook. If you need help, just ask! Add a link to your socials on your homepage, or set up an email address where people can reach out. Letterbird is a free and simple option to implement. If you take any of these steps and let me know, I’ll swing by, read your blog, and reach out through your preferred method.

So go on, right now! Tell a couple of your favorite online folks that you appreciate them. Spread some cheer and lift a few hearts. You have the power! Do it daily for a solid week and then write a post on how out turned out. Was it easy or hard? Why? Did you get any surprises? Let us know. I'll create a page featuring everyone who completes the challenge.

Please help spread the word of this challenge by sharing links to this post on your blog and social media.

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#Blogging #Community #Internet #Social Media