Living Out Loud

Baseball Names as Poetry

Ted Williams at the plate
Ted Williams, The Splendid Splinter

Before the steroid's era in baseball, I was a huge fan, starting in the mid-70s and lasting until the early 90s when people like Mark McGwire and Roger Clemmons went from heroic, hardworking athletes to drug abusing cheaters. Don't even get me started on Barry Bonds. I loved the history of the game. I collected baseball cards by the thousands, read every book my local library owned on the major leagues and counted meeting Hall of Famer Bob Feller as one of the highlights of my life. I still enjoy looking at black and white photos of old games and watching video clips of some of my childhood favorites, but I couldn't tell you who won the world series last year.

Because professional baseball dates back to 1876, there have been thousands of men to play the game and among them have been a few guys with truly poetic names. Without further ado, please let me present a few of my favorites.

  1. Van Lingle Mungo
  2. Mordecai "Three-Fingered" Brown (uh…had a slight farming accident)
  3. Calvin Cooledge Julius Caesar Tuskahoma "Cal" McLish (I'm not kidding)
  4. Ferris Fain (you'll notice several alliterative names)
  5. Yogi Berra
  6. Jesus Alou
  7. Bo Belinsky (was once engaged to Kim Novak)
  8. Dusty Rhodes
  9. Goose Gossage
  10. Hensley "Bam-Bam" Muelens
  11. Chipper Jones (real name is Larry)
  12. Frankie Fritcsh "The Fordham Flash" (for his college)
  13. Lou "The Iron Horse" Gehrig
  14. Christy Mathewson
  15. Ted Williams "The Splendid Splinter" (because he was so skinny)
  16. Dominic Dimaggio (Joe's brother)
  17. Carl Furillo "The Reading Rifle" (for his hometown, Reading, PA)
  18. Tyrus Raymond "Ty" Cobb
  19. Grover Cleveland Alexander
  20. Smoky Joe Wood
  21. Rube Waddell
  22. Hideo Nomo
  23. Mudcat Grant
  24. Vinegar Bend Mizell
  25. Enos "Country" Slaughter
  26. Puddin' Head Jones (originally from Scotland County, NC and my Dad's all-time favorite)
  27. Pee Wee Reese (marbles champ as a kid)
  28. Frank "The Big Hurt" Thomas
  29. Rocky Colavito (The Original Italian Stallion)
  30. Marty Marion, Greg Gagne, Mickey Mantle, John Jaha, Willie Wilson (love that alliteration)
  31. Wonderful Terrific Monds III (I once owned a domain name honoring this Braves minor leaguer. it was the home of my first blog).

Who have I left out? Leave your favorites in the comments.

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